On behalf of all of us at Tefillin Beit E-l I would like to say thanks for all of your kind words. I can only hope that we can all merit to do the Mitzva of putting on Tefillin Mehudarot.
Daniel Aviya

My tefillin were purchased as a gift for me from my family on a visit to your factory in June 2000. I daven with them regularly and they are beautiful. Each day that I put them on I think of the day we toured your factory. May you all be inscribed for a good, sweet year in the Book of Life.
L'Shana Tovah

The tefidanit is as beautiful and rugged as I'd hoped, and then some. Thanks so much for providing me a way to protect my tefillin!
Shana tova...

We received the tefillin over the weekend. I want to thank you for all your courtesies - I can't believe how quickly they came. My son is very happy. Please let me know where you are located - are you near Jerusalem? I would like to visit your factory when we are there for Pesach - will you be open on Chol Hamoed?
Thanks again,
Charles K. Schoenkin

Barely an hour after my last message to you my tefillin arrived Baruch Hashem, yishtabach sh'mo. They are in perfect condition and are truely the most beautiful tefillin I have ever seen. A great source of blessing has come into my life with these holy objects.

The tafidanit is cleverly designed -- and the mirror in the top of the inner case is a nice touch!

Thanks again and all the best in everything,
Nathan Zalman

I got the tefillin today, they're gorgeous. I have to wait a few days to perform enough mitzvahs so I can feel worthy of wearing them. It gives me great pleasure to possess a ritual object which is infused with the Jewish values of its makers: a caring desire to do a good job, to create something that will continue to be appreciated perhaps long after the maker is gone. In addition to the religious use of the tefillin, they will provide a regular reminder to me of the perfection to which Jews should aspire in their daily work.

I have received my t'fidanit. I love this product. I am getting many compliments and questions about it, and I refer you website. Is there a distributor who sells t'fidanit in the States? Also, the compartment is larger than I imagined. Is there a recommended way to keep my t'fillin from knocking around inside?

I am very impressed with your craftsmanship and your website.

When the time comes for me to upgrade to new t'fillin, I will purchase your excellent handiwork.

I just wanted to let you know that I received the tefillin already 1-1/2 weeks ago. I was extremely impressed not only with the tefillinthemselves but with the professional packaging and the various inserts (much better than the shipments I get from major corporations).

Thanks for all of your help,
Larry Teitelman

P.S. In the interim, I learned that my father-in-law and two of his three sons also bought tefillin from Tefillin Bet E-l.

Dear Tefillin Beit E-L;
thanks for the instructions on how to adjust the "shel rosh" knot. what a great help. by the way, did you enlarge the size of the tfidanit case? it looks bigger on the website.... great website too!!

Hi Daniel - The tfilin were delivered Friday afternoon. They are really beautiful. Thanks for your help.

Shalom~ I recently received my t'filin, they are beautiful. My sincerest thanks and appreciation to your service, craftmanship and devotion to THE ETERNAL, blessed be HE. Wishing you all rich blessings in turbulent times, may all of you be guarded and protected by HASHEM,the Blessed One.
Toda raba, thom walton

Anyway, thanks to you and your illustrious colleagues for the extra checking. Even if there was no need for correction, the care and effort that everyone exhibited is just further evidence of the concern that motivated me to buy from Tefillin Beit El in the first place. (I have at least two Judaica/STaM stores within a five minute walk from my apartment.)
Kol tuv and Shabbat Shalom,
Larry Teitelman

The tefullin have arrived. They are magnificent!!!Thank you to you and everyone there for all of your help.
Ira Wallace

14 Tishrei 5761 // October 13, 2000
Dear Tefillin Beit E-L;
I was very happy to have toured your factory duringmy visit to Israel. I believe it was Joel who taught us how the tefillin were made. We were actually at your factory on Sunday, June 18 and my brother--in-law purchased a set of tefillin for me. I got to wear them the very next morning at the Kotel at my nephew's Bar Mitzvah. I don't know if it is the right word, but I am very "proud" of my tefillin and I wear them at least 2 mornings a week when I attend morning minyan (Sundays and Wednesdays). On Wednesdays I also lead services. I also attend regularly every Shabbat but, as you are well aware, no tefillin are worn then. I just wanted to drop you a line to say Shalom. I hope that with all of the unrest in Israel, you are all safe and unharmed. May this new year (5761) bring Peace to Eretz Yisrael for everyone.
Michael Eisenstein
Baldwin, NY

10 Tishrei 5761 - 10/09/00
I'm sending that E-mail only to congratulate you of "TEFILLIN BEIT-EL" your Tefillin as I can see by Internet is of an incomparable beauty. In the moment I'm not in an economical conditions for me to do a request of a pair of Tefillin, but I have faith and hope that one day I will have a pair of Tefillin of the "BEIT-EL" direct from Israel our Holy Land. Thank you congratulations again and Shalom.
Yaacov Ben Abraham Yehudah.

Your website is outstanding and the video on the making of Tefillin is outstanding. I have passed the URL to my husband who will be having a Tefillin workshop in his class. It will be an added feature!

It would be even better if there was an English version available. I, B"H, speak/understand Hebrew fluently, but children, who are still learning the language in Yeshiva, would have a difficult time following the video.

Also, the price of the T'fidanit is only in NIS, what is the dollar amount?

On a separate note, our Tefillos are with you andall of Eretz Yisroel during this difficult time.

Robin Schreiber CA

I made a copy of your whole web site to share with my Rabbi and fellow miyanares. I found it very insightful and proundly meaningful. Thank you!

For those of us who have not yet performed this mitzvah, it would be helpful to have definitions of every Hebrew or Yiddish term used that refer to tefillin. All of those special words in the "for the perfectionist" section of the order form, for example, make it impossible for me to consider placing an order of that type.

Dear Tefillin Beit E-L;
I've been looking over your website and found the remarkable page with photographs illustrating how to properly lay tefillin. Would it be alright if I printed out the page and displayed it in my shul - I think it would go a long way to further proper observance of the mitvah.
Yesher Koach,
Victor Hyman

Hi Daniel...the t'fidanit was a huge hit. In fact, several friends want to order some. How much is shipping and is there a discount (in shipping or otherwise) for ordering quantity? Let me know. Kol tov, Jeff

Many thanks for sending me the explanation to the origination's of tefillin. It has answered a question that I have long sought the answer to.
Shabbat Shalom from Cardiff, Wales, UK

this site is the kewlest it is awesome.

An excellent site - wonderful graphics and very well laid out. Extremely user friendly for all

Overall your webpage is good. However, the advice you give people to use a Black Marker to fix the black on the straps is faulty. The ink must be kosher and there is no way to guarantee any generic permanant marker having kosher ink. Using any generic permanent marker will render the straps possul. I strongly recommend that you change your webpage accordingly so that you do not mislead those who do not know any better.

Answer from HaRav Segel Shalit:
Thank you for your comments concerning our site. Regarding the issue of touching up the Tefillin straps with a generic marker, we have discussed this issue with major Poskim who permitted it. It is similar to the issue of non-kosher fish oils once used in tefillin paint (Kesset HaSofer 23:2). Since the blackening agent is kosher, and the fish oil is there for non-halachically required reasons (to make the paint smoother and the straps softer) its' kashrut is not essential. Similarly, nearly all Tefillin paint contains shellac, an insect derivative. There are those opposed, but most Poskim permit it as long as the blackening agent is Kosher. The black color in all markers is synthetic. Some do have a glycerin component which would be permissible for the above reason. Shalom Rav

Kol hakavod! A very beautiful and very interesting web-site.

Your Tefillin are beautful my nephew has a pair of them. Just correct the mistake above he is presently Chief Rabbi. All the best.

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